Children name their favorite foods. If your focus is nutrition, make a list with two columns, one for healthy foods and one for special treats. Find the USDA Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children at www.usda.gov/cnpp/KidsPyra.
Food models from the pretend play area, packages, or the real thing, may enhance children’s painting detail. Young children’s paintings are likely to be primarily impressionistic rather than realistic.
Describe art elements (line, shape, form, color, texture) and principles of visual organization (unity, variety, balance, repetition/rhythm/pattern, emphasis, proportion, movement) as children paint.
Choose your favorite food and add it to a group list.
Put on a Crayola® Art Smock. At an easel, paint a large portrait of your food with Crayola® Washable Tempera and Brushes. Mix colors. Dry overnight.
Write your name and the food name on your picture with Crayola® Washable Markers. Draw in food details with marker, such as seeds or ridges.