Give me a B---for Broccoli! Or Berries! Or Bananas! Share your favorite recipes for healthy foods with your classmates.
What is your favorite good-for-you food? Find out more about why it is healthy, and how nutritious foods are important as part of a stay-fit lifestyle. Then prepare to share tasty, diverse recipes for yummy dishes. This classroom banner campaign is sure to call attention to smart eating!
Cut construction paper into a large banner with Crayola Scissors. Draw a picture, write the name of a favorite healthy food, and decorate your banner using Crayola Washable Markers.
Use Crayola Model Magic® to mold a 3-D replica of your healthy food. You can make your own colors of Model Magic by adding marker color to white modeling compound. Knead it until you have the color you desire. Glue the replica to your banner with Crayola School Glue.
On lined paper, write a recipe made with your healthy food. You might choose one that’s a family heritage favorite or a combination you invent. Glue the recipe to your banner. Share information about the food with your classmates. Display your banner in the cafeteria, hallways, or other public places to inspire healthy eating in your school!
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