Get to know characters of Raven legends from Pacific Northwest America’s native nations. Create puppets with a theatre to act out these dramatic, traditional stories.
Research several traditional Raven tales from Pacific Northwest native nations (Tlingit, Salish, and Haida). With Crayola® Erasable Colored Pencils, write a puppet script for one or more of the stories. Be as authentic as possible!
Find examples of art depicting common characters such as Raven (the central figure, a trickster), Beaver (industrious), Mouse Woman (fairy godmother), Eagle (powerful), Killer Whale (guides men on hunts), Wolf (good hunter), Owl (feared character), Bear (always hungry and greedy), and Mountain Goat (sure to get revenge if offended). Sketch each character on a large index card. You can easily erase any changes!
With Crayola Markers, color the most basic lines for each character (formlines) with black. Make your lines very thick in the centers and thinner at the ends. Separate each part of the body. Color other thick lines within the body and head with red for accents. You may also use traditional blue-green as accents for the red, in the same formline manner.
Cut out each character with Crayola Scissors. Attach puppets with Crayola School Glue to craft sticks. Air-dry the glue.
Create a longhouse backdrop theater to present your Raven stories to other classes or your families (see the Lesson Plan Longhouse Spirits).
Explore the rich visual culture of ancient Egypt! Create a captivating multimedia portrait in historic Egyptian style.
A famous section of Beijing, the capital of China, is surrounded by a moat. Imagine being in The Forbidden City, where a
How do pets or wildlife care for their young? Discover how young animals change as they grow!
What pets do you feed, walk, or groom? Izak, who lives in Lapland, takes care of a reindeer! Match animals with owners a
Does animal brain size match body size? Affect intelligence? Sculpt the brains of three vertebrates to compare and contr
Looking for a pizzazzy book report format? Try bas-relief sculpture to add a new dimension to your next presentation!
Create a colorful mobile with your favorite flying creatures. Combine various bug body types into a delightful display.
Native people living on the Great Plains depended on buffalo for survival. Discover many uses for their hides—and other