Getting along with each other is one of the most important aspects of life. This thought-provoking and enjoyable project is for everyone!
Why is it important to get along with each other? Why are close friendships cherished in your life? How can we all work together to take care of each other and our Earth?
With your friends, find a Peters Projection map of the world. In the middle of a large sheet of craft paper, draw a picture of the Earth with Crayola® Washable Markers. Color in the continents and oceans. Older children could color in countries.
Draw children from many cultures circling the globe and holding hands in unity and friendship. Represent authentic clothing styles, facial features, and other details to make your children as diverse as possible.
Getting along with each other is one of the most important aspects of life. This thought-provoking and enjoyable project
Tangle up your fingers! Finger Twist is definitely for dynamic digits! Do you dare try this game with your toes?
It’s easy to make Prairie-style designs, just like famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright did. Are any of his famous homes
Kids build confidence and pride in their accomplishments with these stylish printed paper portfolios.
Children feel especially important when they create useful crafts. Fill this frame with their art or picture-it's perfec
This Crayola® Crayon pyramid is more colorful than Cleopatra's life. Explore art and architecture ideas such as form and
Choose your favorite popular symbol. Repeat your pattern to see four times the excitement with awesome Color Explosion™!
Take your next family outing to colorful new heights! Transform paper grocery bags into kites with tails that flutter in