Invite a frog to your birthday party! Make the frog part of the game ahead of time. Guests design the insects, then toss them onto the frog's long red tongue.
Make the frog for this party game several days in advance. Fold a rectangular piece of recycled cardboard (such as an opened, flattened cereal box) in half so long ends meet to make a center line. Unfold. Fold the cardboard so short ends meet.
Use Crayola® Scissors to cut the frog's mouth by cutting into the fold along the center line. Cut about 2/3 of the way to the edges of the folded cardboard. Ask a grown-up to help with the cutting. Unfold cardboard. Cut two small rectangles of recycled cardboard (for frog eyes) and fold them in half.
Spread recycled newspaper over your art area. Paint the larger cardboard with green Crayola Washable Kid's Paint using a Crayola So Big Brush. Paint the smaller rectangles to look like a frog's eyes. Dry.
Mix a little red, brown, or black paint into some green paint to create a darker green. Make dots on the frog by dipping the tip of your paint brush into the darker green and then onto the painted cardboard. Dry.
Assemble your frog by slightly bending the cardboard at the middle line so the mouth pops open. Staple the fold at each side of the cardboard, attaching a piece of ribbon at each staple location. Tie ribbons together to keep sides bent back so the frog stands. Glue a long piece of red paper inside of the open mouth so that it extends in front of the frog. Glue the eyes to the frog. Dry.
At the party, cover an art area with newspaper. Ask guests to use Crayola Washable Markers to decorate coffee filter bugs to Feed the Frog. Fold filters into quarters, then hold markers in one spot until the dye seeps through the filter layers. Make color
Gather the coffee filter in the middle and tie with a ribbon to make bugs to feed the hungry frog. Take turns tossing the bugs onto the frog's tongue.
Invite a frog to your birthday party! Make the frog part of the game ahead of time. Guests design the insects, then toss
Stand back! W-a-y back! Real porcupine quills can prick! Will your critter be friendly or fierce?
Track down some wild or cuddly animals! Take a "paws" to have fun.
Fireworks are used around the world to celebrate special occasions. Remember an ahhh-some show, or create your own Fiery
Tame the wild--create a fiery dragon with Model Magic® compound! Cover recycled materials to transform them into the lor
Watch butterflies flutter outdoors, then make your own with coffee filters.
These mini-hats on your finger! Show your personal stype by making different ones for each season, mood, and occasion.
Tangle up your fingers! Finger Twist is definitely for dynamic digits! Do you dare try this game with your toes?