Go Buggy! Create a gift bag topper that makes the outside of your gift look as special as the inside.
Crayola Neon Color Explosion® Paper fits the top of a standard 8- x 10-inch (20 x 25 cm) paper party bag. Trim the paper to fit smaller bags. Start with some pizzazz by cutting a decorative edge!
Use Neon Color Explosion Markers to decorate the paper. Draw pictures, use words, and add designs to fit your gift, occasion, and recipient. Be bold! The vibrant colors of the Neon Color Explosion system inspire a celebration of your creativity! Decorate both sides and the topper can double as a card!
Fold the bag topper in half. Cut a slit along the fold to fit over the gift bag handles (leave the paper uncut at the each end). Put your gift inside the bag. Place the topper over the bag handles and your present is ready to give!
Go buggy with these bright inchworm treat boxes for your next celebration!
Stand back! W-a-y back! Real porcupine quills can prick! Will your critter be friendly or fierce?
Track down some wild or cuddly animals! Take a "paws" to have fun.
Fireworks are used around the world to celebrate special occasions. Remember an ahhh-some show, or create your own Fiery
Tame the wild--create a fiery dragon with Model Magic® compound! Cover recycled materials to transform them into the lor
Watch butterflies flutter outdoors, then make your own with coffee filters.
These mini-hats on your finger! Show your personal stype by making different ones for each season, mood, and occasion.