

  • 1.

    With an adult, choose a large outdoor paved area that is clean, safe, and free from traffic.

  • 2.

    Use Sidewalk Chalk to draw your croquet course. A traditional layout has a starting point with two closely spaced "wickets" directly in front; six paces up, a wicket to the far left and to the far right; six paces up, a center wicket; six paces up, again a wicket to the far left and the far right; six paces up, two closely spaced wickets and a turnaround point.

  • 3.

    Choose "mallets" (such as croquet mallets or brooms) and "balls" or pucks (small recycled cardboard boxes or stones, for example).

  • 4.

    Players decide playing order. First player places puck at starting point and hits puck, attempting to pass through the first two wickets.

  • 5.

    Players receive an extra hit for each wicket they pass through, which is taken immediately on that turn. Play continues to the wicket on the far left, then the center wicket, then the next far left, then the double wickets, the turnaround, and back along the other side in the same order.

  • 6.

    If a player’s puck strikes another, the player has the option of "sending" the puck that was hit by tapping it with their mallet.

  • 7.

    Winner is the first player to complete one full circuit of the course.


  • Decorate small recycled boxes to use as pucks. Use Crayola Markers for colorful designs. Add sand for weight. Seal them with duct tape.
  • Paint your croquet course with Crayola Sidewalk Paint, a Sidewalk Paint Sprayer, or a Super Brush.
  • Create pucks with flattened balls of Crayola Model Magic. Mix in sand for extra weight. Decorate with Markers and air-dry overnight before playing.