Food preparation and art projects require close adult supervision to ensure safety. With Edible Alphabet, make sure neither the oven nor hot cookie sheets are accessible to children. i
Be aware of food allergies. For children age 3 and younger, an adult cuts the clear plastic adhesive and helps lay it over the placemat.i
Wash hands before measuring and mixing bread dough. Follow each step of the recipe.
Place a lump of dough on a piece of waxed paper. What does it smell like? Shape it into a letter. Place it on a cookie sheet. Wash hands again.
While your letter bakes, make a placemat for your snack. Use a large piece of light construction paper. With Crayola® Washable Markers, write alphabet letters or maybe a recipe. Create borders or add fake fringe.
Ask an adult to help measure clear plastic adhesive, such as Con-Tact® paper, to cover your placemat. Cut it with Crayola® Scissors (age 4 and older only). Carefully lay the plastic over your drawing. Once more, wash your hands.
How did the shape of the dough change when it baked? When your dough letter is cool enough to eat, enjoy your Edible Alphabet snack on a napkin with your new placemat.
Explore the rich visual culture of ancient Egypt! Create a captivating multimedia portrait in historic Egyptian style.