When studying healthy foods (see A Bunch for Lunch and Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard), encourage children to create a pretend grocery store.
Look at food container design. What colors are used? What words? Pictures? Numbers? Analyze the information and design of samples. Make the most of language arts, math, pretend play, science, and visual arts.
Collect small boxes children can use to design their own food boxes.
Cover your work area with recycled newspaper. Put on a Crayola® Art Smock.
Paint a recycled box with Crayola® Washable Tempera and So Big® Brushes. Use a color that complements the pretend food to go in the package. Dry overnight.
Look at food packages for design ideas. Write words and numbers, and draw pictures on the box with Crayola® Washable Markers to make it look like a food package.
Explore the rich visual culture of ancient Egypt! Create a captivating multimedia portrait in historic Egyptian style.
A famous section of Beijing, the capital of China, is surrounded by a moat. Imagine being in The Forbidden City, where a
How do pets or wildlife care for their young? Discover how young animals change as they grow!
What pets do you feed, walk, or groom? Izak, who lives in Lapland, takes care of a reindeer! Match animals with owners a