Combine language arts, a healthy snack, science, and graphic arts with Recycled Carrots. Start by reading The Carrot Seed. See carrots grow in a garden.
Feel whole carrots. Use colorful words to describe their texture and smell.
With a sharp knife, cut off the carrot tops. Put the knife away in a safe place. Demonstrate how to safely shave peelings from the carrots with a vegetable peeler. Supervise closely. Cut the peeled carrots sticks for snacks. Store the knife.
Feel bumps and ridges, little roots, and green tops on carrots. Smell. Did you know that the orange part of a carrot is a root?
An adult cuts off carrot tops. Place tops in a shallow dish of water. (After a few days, they will start to grow and can then be planted in soil.)
Carefully peel the carrot on a paper towel. Set aside the peels to dry overnight. Wash the carrots. A grownup cuts them in strips. Enjoy your carrot snack. Yummy.
The next day, describe what happened to the dried carrot peels. Compare size and color changes.
On construction paper, arrange dried carrot peels (and other collage materials if you wish) in an interesting design. Attach with Crayola® School Glue to make a Recycled Carrots collage. Write your name and date with Crayola® Construction Paper™ Crayons.
Explore the rich visual culture of ancient Egypt! Create a captivating multimedia portrait in historic Egyptian style.
A famous section of Beijing, the capital of China, is surrounded by a moat. Imagine being in The Forbidden City, where a
How do pets or wildlife care for their young? Discover how young animals change as they grow!
What pets do you feed, walk, or groom? Izak, who lives in Lapland, takes care of a reindeer! Match animals with owners a
Does animal brain size match body size? Affect intelligence? Sculpt the brains of three vertebrates to compare and contr
Looking for a pizzazzy book report format? Try bas-relief sculpture to add a new dimension to your next presentation!
Create a colorful mobile with your favorite flying creatures. Combine various bug body types into a delightful display.