Hang a clothesline in a low, safe area, away from traffic. Place about two dozen clip clothespins in a container nearby.
Children may have made similar shape patterns with large wooden beads, for example. This takes pattern making to a more advanced level.
Make sure children do as much of this activity as possible so they become familiar with shapes and increase their fine-motor coordination.
Choose three different colors of construction paper, one for each shape.
On one color, use a Crayola® Washable Marker to draw about 10 squares. Use another color for triangles, and the third for circles. Make the shapes as close to the same size as possible.
Cut out your shapes with Crayola® Scissors.
Hang your shapes in a repeating pattern on the clothesline, such as circle, 2 squares, circle, 2 squares, circle, 2 squares.
Draw your pattern on white paper, using the same marker color you used for each of your shapes.
Make new patterns, and draw those. Save your patterns. Exchange them with friends to try new ideas.