Discover the beauty, and functionality, of ancient Native American pottery! These replicas are a wonderful way to learn more about a culture.
Pottery in any culture is an age-old practice that was originally practical and eventually became seen as an art form. Ancient Native American pieces are beautifully decorated ceramics that are not only functional but a pleasure to look at as well. Choose a style of pottery from one Native nation to replicate.
Based on the style of the pot, choose an armature such as a recycled container or crumpled aluminum foil. Cover this basic form with a thin Crayola® Model Magic® layer.
Add embellishments to your pot by creating ropes, leather cords, feathers, and beads, as appropriate to the culture and time period, and affixing them to your pot. For even edges, cut the compound with Crayola Scissors.
One way to make beads is to cut a long piece of fishing line. Make small Model Magic balls and wrap them around the fishing line about half-way down the length. Leave enough fishing line uncovered so you can use it to wrap around the lip of the pot later. Try making different shapes of beads and alternating colors to get different patterns. Another way to make beads is by wrapping the Model Magic compound around short pieces of plastic straws. You can then string your beads any way you like.
At the end of a string of beads on Native pottery, there are often large decorative feathers. Roll out Model Magic compound into feathers. Combine different colors for multicolor feathers. Then take a craft stick or other modeling tool to etch in the feat
You can hide the fishing line by covering the lip with cords or other decorative elements. Adorn your pot with a beautiful rope by braiding three long pieces of Model Magic compound and then wrapping the braid around the lip.
Add leather-like cords by rolling out long pieces of Model Magic compound and pressing them a little flat. Then twist and hang them on your pot. Model Magic® dries to the touch overnight and dries completely in 2 to 3 days.
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